Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Many Faces of Cheyenne Mountain Zoo

This past Saturday I took Nathan up to the zoo for the day. On a whim, I took my camera with my fancy new 70-300mm with me. The animals didn't let me down. I managed to catch the grizzlies in a few candid moments, a close-up of the resident leopard, the Pallas cat beared its teeth lovingly at me (that cat has attitude to spare!), the hippos came out of the water, the tiger came out of hiding - partially, the giraffes posed for a shot or two and a cute little chipmunk came out to visit. Enjoy!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Elsa's Birthday

Yesterday, Nathan and I went to a friend's house for their daughter's second birthday party. All attendees had a blast, and I came away with a couple very nice shots of the birthday girl that I thought worthy of sharing. Enjoy!